Hello all!
My name is Ian Williams, and currently I am a freshman at Central Washington University who is of 18 years of age. Now that I am in college, I lead a pretty busy life between studies, socializing, gaming, music, etc. I am having a blast here and don't regret the decision to come here at all. I am studying electrical engineering.
I am big on music, to get a sense of it, check out my last.fm. I frequent a forum for guitarists and that is how I have discovered most of the music that I listen to today.
I also love working out, though I can't right now due to being ill. I was a state-ranked runner in high school, so I obviously run a lot, along with other cardio exercises and weight lifting.
Gaming is pretty big to me, but nearly as much as it used to me. Right now I mainly play Starcraft 2, Minecraft, Halo: Reach, and Borderlands with my friends here at the college.
I have been a guitarist since my 13th birthday. I don't take it very seriously, but I would love to go a bit further with it someday. I currently have a Silverburst limited edition Les Paul custom that I run into my Line 6 UX1 and then into my Peavey Bandit 112.
As a person, I am very stubborn and pretty introverted. I used to be really introverted, but I've changed since I've gotten here at college, and I'm a lot more comfortable around people. I am a romantic, who is seeking a long-term relationship, and I think I've found someone willing to do that with me. I am somewhat picky; I don't like most vegetables and I despise mustard.
I was born August 20, 1992 at Madigan Army Center in Ft. Lewis, Washington. I was raised by both of my parents until the age of 7, when they divorced. I then lived a rocky childhood with a neglectful mother. I was living on food stamps with my dad and when I would visit her I would have to beg because she wouldn't feed me and I had nothing available that I knew how to cook. I haven't seen nor talked to her since I was around 13, and it is better this way. I have a wonderful step-family now who loves me.
And now I leave you with the most recent artist I've become addicted to, Rosetta. (Inspiration for blog title.)
O hai thar Ian. Just checkin' out your blog.