It snowed about a week ago, but now we have a decent amount. It's supposed to snow for at least the next two days, and there's almost an inch on the ground right now. To all of the people from the western side of Washington, this is an insane amount of snow, it's pretty funny. I'm used to getting a couple of snow storms, but not this early. It makes for a lot of fun, throwing snowballs at windows and such. (And getting yelled at from someone on the third floor of Kamola.) It sucks for some people though, they might not be able to go over the pass for Thanksgiving break, we only have classes this week through Tuesday.
So, tonight, one of my close friends here (my second-in-command, if you will) had his uncle die. He had seemed a little down the last couple of days, which makes me think that his uncle was hospitalized, and that he had just passed away. My friends and I were having a snowball fight, and we saw the other friend walking. We were gonna go attack him, but we noticed that he seemed to be crying, so we backed off. After a little bit more of playing in the snow, we went inside and hung out in one of our friend's rooms who has a pretty big one. The friend who had the uncle die became the topic after an hour or so, and people were saying that someone should go talk to him, and they were dropping hints I should. This is completely out of my norm, I'm almost never someone's comforter when something like that happens, and it doesn't seem like my character to actually seek them out and see what's wrong. Thy asked me if I was going to go talk to him, and I said that I'd let it die down a day or two and then asked him. I ended up going to his room, but only because another friend said that he was gonna go check up on him. We knocked on his door, and his roommate answered, saying that he wasn't there and explained what happened. He also said that he went out on a walk, so we went to hang out in the other room. When I left that room (they were gonna watch Coach Carter, and I'm not a fan of basketball), I saw the friend outside my room. He apologized for blowing us off earlier during the snowball fight, but I said it was cool and that I heard what had happened and such. Then I just went into my room.
That doesn't seem like it was enough, but I don't know how to approach him, I didn't even realize that I was his main friend here. I'm used to being ridiculously introverted, but I am thrown into social situations since I live in the dorms. Gonna see how this plays out.
My roommate was gone for the weekend until Sunday afternoon, which was really nice. I get along with him pretty well, but I was able to have more free time, and watched some anime, which I hadn't done since I moved out. I'm almost positive he's moving out of this room next semester, and there's a chance someone might take his spot, or I'll just have to keep the furniture on that side of the room. I'd prefer to be alone, but I'm not sure that if I have to have someone move in, I'd rather want some unknown person to move in or possibly someone I already know from this dorm. Time will tell. Now I'm just excited for Thanksgiving break, getting done with finals, and seeing some of my best friends during winter break, like Johnny, who now goes to college in Montana.
Also, if any of you like RTS games, Age of Empires 3 is on sale in the Microsoft store for a whopping 10 cents, I'm downloading it right now.
I feel like I should be posting a music link, here goes. I've recently been recommended this really kick ass hardcore band called Terror, check out Stick Tight.
And probably a picture, I fucking love Corgis, I can't wait to have one.
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