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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Is it really December? I barely remember it turning into October. Anyway, things are going decently in my classes, I hope to find out tomorrow that I don't have a final in my science class. If I don't, then the only thing I really have to worry about is the 7 page paper due next Wednesday for my Humanities class. Other than that, I have a final in University, and in math. The University final will be piss easy, and the math one won't be too difficult. If it goes like this, I'll be done Wednesday afternoon, and home no later on Thursday. Pretty damn excited for all of this to be over, it's messing up my sleep schedule. I can't fall asleep until after 4am on most days, and end up taking naps throughout the day. I have a feeling I won't be having as a hard a time during my next quarter finals. I'm taking pre-calculus, psychology 101, bowling, and my second semester of the science program. I know I can get help in the psychology class, because the girl who lives a couple door down (and happens to be really cute) is taking it this quarter, and she's doing well in it. Taking the bowling class with at least 5 of my other friends (including that girl), so it will be a ton of fun.

Today was spent catching up on some work, taking a math exam, and playing lots of Starcraft 2. I'm 5 for 6 on my games today, and I plan on playing a couple more right now.

Ever heard of Swans? They are this cool post-punk-like band from 1982-1997. They recently reunited and put out an album, it's really beautiful. Here's my favorite song off of it, Reeling the Liars In.

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